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Pokémon Servers Crashes!

Pokémon a famous character among children and adults. Pokémon Go, is a game, owned by The Pokémon Company, a Japanese consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures. Since its release it has become blockbuster and so popular that Pokémon servers crashed.

According to a survey on average every player of Pokémon spends 43 minutes and 22 seconds, which is more than any other application i.e. Instagram, snap chat, and Whats App. People playing Pokémon are crazy about it. According to a news channel two friends fell from 90 feet hill while playing Pokémon. Another guy Tom, a New Zealander, left his job for this game.

Pokémon is a fictitious animal like character which can be caught in PokéBall. Once caught Pokémon get stronger and increases its ranks. Nearly 761 characters have been created till now.

Syed Tanzeel Ashfaq

Syed Tanzeel Ashfaq is Software Engineer by profession and has over ten years of experience. He loves to express himself through blogging about Information Technology, Software development, Urdu literature, Islamic history and several other topics.